Coronavirus: these are the restrictions in Andalusia due to the coronavirus for the December bridge


COVID-19 :

The pandemic is disrupting the world’s most traditional holidays, events and festivals. In Spain, although not all communities experience it in the same way, there is also the cessation of some holidays. At the gates of a generally long bridge, which are the rrestrictions in Andalusia due to the coronavirus for the December bridge?

What is clear is that containment measures prevail before Christmas and for the holidays themselves, and that there is greater flexibility for some of the most important dates of the year commercially, in particular.

The perimeter closure is maintained

Thus, for this bridge in Andalusia, the president of the Andalusian community, Juanma Moreno, announced the maintenance of the closure of the perimeter of Andalusia and the 785 municipalities until after the Constitution and the Immaculate Conception, that is until 10 December.

According to the Junta de Andalucía, citizens of the community will not be able to enter or leave the community, with exceptions. And the president announced it the Covid-19 measures already set two weeks ago will remain in force until 10 December. As we have pointed out, the most important thing is that the closure of the perimeter of Andalusia and all municipalities is maintained and that the night curfew continues from ten in the evening to seven in the morning.

Exceptions for leaving the community

People who have to leave the community or different municipalities can do so for justified reasons. That is for medical reasons such as going to health centers, working to go to work, studying and returning to the usual place of residence. This is maintained in the same way as it did before and in many containment and escalation reduction sections.


Another measure for this December bridge is that non-essential activities will be closed from six in the afternoon. There are commercial activities, such as in this case the toy trade that theirs The opening hours are until 20:00. This measure was set up to be able to start those Christmas purchases, which are close in these days.

Limitations of opening hours and reception

To put an end to the pandemic situation due to Covid-19 that the community is experiencing, the Junta de Andalucía explained that other previously agreed restrictions are also maintained. They are the rsrestrictions in Andalusia due to the coronavirus.

That is to say that the limits of opening hours and of the hotel sector remain closed, but with a novelty, which can help to give this sector a bit of respite, such as the fact that bars and restaurants have the ability to open in so that customers can order collection until 9.30 pm consume them at home.

What is happening in Granada?

The Council underlines that the Grenada case deserves special attention and exceptions. His epidemiological situation was in fact very complicated, so Moreno explained that he was aware of the difficulties that the city and the province are going through, in particular the difficult situation of traders and hoteliers who have not been active for two weeks.

These are the restrictions in Andalusia due to the coronavirus for the December bridge

Therefore, he announced that in the health district of Granada Sur, with 43 municipalities where 150,000 people reside, the total ban is lifted and the opening will be authorized until 18:00. as in the rest of Andalusia. The districts of Granada, Metropolitano and Granada Nordeste will continue with the same restrictions as before. They are some of the rrestrictions in Andalusia due to the coronavirus

We know that these measures can change depending on the results in the current health situation. After the harshness of the restrictions in Granada, Moreno explained that there will be a additional support plan for the affected sectors in the territories of Granada involved in the total closure already announced for some time.

He also announced that perhaps some measures can be relaxed before December 10, but this still has to meet health criteria. For this a weekly evaluation of the data must be carried out and if they are positive there is the possibility of this flexibility of the rules.

Changes in other health areas

In outre, the Junta de Andalucía has established that the districts of Poniente de Almería, Levante-Alto Almanzora, Campo de Gibraltar, Córdoba-Norte and Valle del Guadalhorce, go from level 3 to level 4, so that the capacity of the authorized activities will be reduced.

the Axarquía neighborhood it goes from level 4 to level 3, resulting in a reduction of those skills, in this case.

How is this bridge and the other days in the educational centers?

Among the restrictions in Andalusia due to the coronavirus for the December bridge to be highlighted, that although schools and institutes continue their courses face to face, the university will continue with online courses.

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