Coronavirus: Madrid restrictions: which health zones are confined and which are not since Monday 23 November?


COVID-19 :

The Community of Madrid continues to apply its model of restrictions for basic health zones. The autonomous government defends that this is the best model to contain the advance of the coronavirus in the region. This is how it has been applying it for two months, the healthcare spaces subject to perimeter borders are reviewed weekly.

After the last update made by the executive this Friday, From this Monday, November 23, six basic health areas begin their perimeter containment because their current incidence is more than 400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In these six areas, mobility is limited for 14 days and means not being able to leave or enter the base area except for the exceptions provided, such as going to work, going to a health center or assisting the elderly or vulnerable people. .

These six new perimeter containment zones are:

New basic sanitary areas with perimeter containment

In the capital Madrid:

VicálvaroGunners (Vicálvaro).
The Elipa (Linear city).

In other municipalities:

Alicante, Cuzco Yup Castille The New (Fuenlabrada).
The Moral (Alcobendas).

These six new health zones join other zones and municipalities already closed on the perimeter and not having been the subject of a 50% improvement, and remain confined for at least another week. The Community of Madrid reported last Friday that the restrictions are in principle extended by a week and that it will be next Friday when the Ministry of Health evaluates whether to cancel or maintain the measures.

The basic areas that keep the restrictions are:

Basic sanitary areas that maintain perimeter containment

In the capital Madrid:

Guzman the good (Chamberí).
Entrevías, Tío Raimundo’s Well, Alcalá de Guadaira and Numancia (Pont Vallecas).
Daroca (Linear city).
Pavones Yup Vandel (Moratalaz).
Infant Mercedes (Tetouan).

Other cities:

Collado Villalba Pueblo, Collado Villalba station and Sierra de Guadarrama (Collado Villalba).
Majadahonda-Cerro del Aire and Valley of the Olive (Majadahonda).
St. John of the Cross (Pozuelo de Alarcón).
Colmenar Viejo Norte (Colmenar Viejo).
Morata de Tajuña.
Le Boalo-Cerdeda-Mataelpino.
Oreja apiary.
San Martín de Valdeiglesias.
Pelayos de la Presa.
Villarejo de Salvanés.

Also, There are seven basic health areas that, this Sunday 22 November, end their perimeter imprisonment and will resume mobility from Monday 23. having had reductions in the number of infections greater than 50%. There are seven areas of the Community of Madrid that are released:

Liberation of basic health areas

In the capital Madrid:

Nunez Morgado (Chamartín).
Door of angels (Latin).
Virgin from Begoña (Fuencarral-El Pardo).
Villaamil (Tetouan)

In other municipalities:

Painters (Speaks).
Port district Yup Doctor Tamames (Coslada).

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