Coronavirus: German Coronavirus I virologist explains why coronavirus will continue to rise in the coming months


COVID-19 :

The Coronavirus pandemic progressing around the world and it’s already gone 54 million infections and about 1,311,273 million deaths. Data from the last few weeks suggests a third wave for the next few months and some experts have already set a date.

Sandra Ciesek is director of Institute of Medical Virology, Frankfurt University Clinic (Germany) and a prestigious virologist in her country. In an interview for XL weekly gave the The keys to why COVID-19 will continue to progress in the coming months.

Avoid leisure activities

“The number of cases has clearly increased in the past few weeks. Now that due to bad weather our lives will be spent mostly indoors, we must count on this increase to continue. The most important thing is avoid recreational activities that can give rise to massive infections “, emphasizes virology.

Denmark as an example

On whether current restriction measures could curb infections: “Big indoor celebrations are a big deal, that’s clear. Limiting them for a while is a very relevant measure. A good example can be found in our neighbors Denmark. Was In September, there was a dramatic increase in cases, which were responded to with direct measures: in addition to carrying out mass tests, bars and restaurants close at ten in the evening, the use of a mask is mandatory in some places … However, schools and kindergartens are still open … With these measures, Denmark managed to stop the increase “he points out.

Are we ready to accept limitations?

“Like a doctor, my goal is that as few people as possible see their health damaged. For me, this is an ethical question and contains a question that society must answer: Are each of us, as individuals, ready to accept limitations so that fewer people die from COVID-19? On the other hand, there are also opinions that argue exactly the opposite; This is from an economic point of view, the fact that there are many infections can be even more negative ”.

Opposition to measures for ethical issues: “Most of the time these are issues that are debated in retrospect, and in the past we are all smarter. A good example of what I’m telling you is school closures. Today it would be valued in another way. We now know that we must not only consider protection against contagion, we must also think about the education of children and other aspects such as violence in the family environment. In short, we need to develop a balanced strategy “, Ciesek adds.

The virus in nurseries

Does the virus spread in kindergartens ?: “We have just finished it, although it is still a bit early to talk about the results. In short, you we are learning a lot about how children transmit the virus. And I think soon we’ll be able to provide more data on how it works to keep them in small groups that don’t mix with each other, so that we don’t have to quarantine entire courses for a single positive. He said.


“I think that in addition to the vaccine, we need a good antiviral. And one thing we unfortunately still don’t know: What immunity do you really get from the infection? How long does it last? We are already witnessing the first re-infections; some of them with serious pictures. This is very disturbing, although it appears to be something that only happens with extremely low frequencies.. And, of course, the question of the long-term consequences left by the virus is also important. We don’t even know if the virus is directly responsible or if it is the immune reaction “, concludes the German expert.

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