A study published in the Endocrine Society’s “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,” which was conducted in a hospital in the Spanish city of Santander, claims that Lack of vitamin D can be a common factor among covid-19 patients.
The more than 200 patients at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in the aforementioned city were compared with people who had not had the virus.
The study results show that, in the control group of In 216 people with covid-19, 82.2% had a vitamin D deficiency.. In the control group of people those who did not have the disease, which had 197 people, only 47.2% showed the same deficiency.
(If you want to know more about the study, you can read: Study: 82% of patients with covid-19 have a vitamin D deficiency).
Its importance
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines vitamin D as a fat-soluble vitamin (dissolves in fats or oils) that differs from others because an important source of it is ultraviolet light.
The specialized page “Anis” indicates that it is more appropriate to call it a hormone and not a vitamin, because it is naturally generated by the kidneys.
It also clarifies that, In 2017, there was a high percentage of the world population that had a shortage of this.
Studies have indicated that there is a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency around the world
(You may also be interested: Vitamin D supplements do not prevent diabetes 2 in adults at risk.)
In addition, it indicates that its lack can have negative consequences on the immune system, since the vitamin improves innate invulnerability through increased secretion of antimicrobial peptides (molecules that have antibiotic properties), as well as strengthening the defenses of the mucosa.
The WHO, in a 2017 meta-analysis, reported a protective effect found in vitamin D supplements to fight respiratory infections.
That’s why here we tell you the foods and habits that you can put in place to counteract the absence of vitamin D in the body.
The “suggestions”
Direct exposure to the sun on the face and forearms is essential to ensure the production of vitamin D in the body.
(You can read: Multivitamins Don’t Promote Cardiovascular Health).
According to the United States National Library of Medicine’s ‘MedlinePlus’ website, this vitamin is commonly called the ‘solar vitamin’ because it is generated by ultraviolet light and, unlike others, is naturally scarce in food.
For this reason experts indicate that you should spend 10 to 15 minutes in the sun a day to synthesize vitamin D in the body.
It is important to clarify that it should be done without sunscreen, but exposure for more than a few minutes without sunscreen is not recommended, because “exposure to sunlight is a skin cancer risk“According to ‘MedlinePlus’.
As for food, the page warns that it is not common for this hormone to be found in the food itself, so there are many cases where it is fortified (added vitamins).
The page also reports that fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon and mackerel (mackerel or xarda), “are among the best sources of vitamin D.”
Salmon, for example, is a source of vitamin D.
(Read also: Vitamin D, a necessary ally in prison days).
Beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, and mushrooms provide small amounts.
“Some mushrooms for sale in the store have a higher vitamin D content because they have been exposed to ultraviolet light“Says the North American website.
And of course fish liver oil also provides this compound to the body.
It is important to check the information table on food labelsAs some brands of milk, cereals, soy drinks, orange juice, yogurt and butter can be fortified with vitamin D.
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