Coronavirus: Coronavirus dyspnea: what it is, how to treat it and what consequences it can leave in the body


COVID-19 :

The COVID-19 patients who enters with dyspnea, in addition to fever or cough, are those who have a worse disease prognosis, as explained by the internist Manuel Rubio-Rivas, member of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) and the first signatory of a study conducted in Spain on this topic. Dyspnea, or shortness of breath, is one of the most common symptoms, so it’s important to know how to recognize it and how to treat it, as well as the side effects it can leave behind.

How to recognize it

Dyspnea occurs when a person feels difficulty or discomfort when breathing, as good as feeling of not having enough air. It happens when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to deliver oxygen to the body. This pathology is very subjective, because not everyone breathes in the same way, but the individual can identify it by drowning or shortness of breath during exercise or an activity that you have tolerated much earlier.

Patients with heart failure can too orthopnea or shortness of breath when lying down, as well as muscle fatigue or fatigue because the heart does not pump the necessary amount of blood. Likewise, they can appear swelling, especially in the legs, motivated by water and saline retention. Other patients may reduce their ability to urinate and suffer oliguria. It is also often accompanied by nycturie, increased urine output at night. Finally, it can manifest itself with gastric fullness, intestinal discomfort, abdominal swelling, pain in the right side of the abdomen, congestion of the veins in the neck, palpitations, dizziness, syncope, lack of appetite or even anorexia.


It is important when we experience shortness of breath or other symptoms keep calm and try to relax to see if the discomfort subsides, as in many cases wheezing is caused by fatigue or anxiety. If symptoms persist, we will go to the doctor or notify the emergency services, depending on the intensity of the symptoms.

To make an accurate diagnosis, a physical examination where the results will be carefully evaluated. lungs, the coeur and the upper respiratory tract. The diagnostic tests that can be performed are: Blood analysis, measure of Oxygen saturation In the blood ECG youcocardiographie, lung radiography, proof of lung function, proof of effort or tomography Chest.

Treatment and possible sequelae

Once dyspnea is diagnosed, specific treatment will be given depending on the cause and its severity. In most cases, a causal treatment at home. But if it’s severe, treatment can include Oxygen therapy through a nasal cannula or through a mask placed over the nose and mouth; tracheostomy, which is a surgically created hole that passes through the front of the neck and into the trachea; a fan to bring air into the lungs and remove carbon dioxide; fluids intravenously to improve blood circulation throughout the body and other respiratory treatments, such as non-invasive positive pressure ventilation.

It is important to treat this pathology well to avoid futures complications respiratory. Especially during the pandemic, as dyspnea is itself, in addition to being a symptom, one of the consequences left behind by COVID-19 in our body, as the virus attacks the lungs. Consequently, many Spanish hospitals have organized a PostCovid request that I schedule appointments with patients who have been admitted with severe pneumonia due to COVID-19 and who require a lung exam.

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