Coronavirus can trigger a stroke –


A coronavirus infection can cause neurological symptoms in addition to fever, cough, and breathing difficulties. All bacteria and viruses could also trigger strokes, explained Innsbruck epidemiologist and stroke expert Stefan Kiechl: “We now know that the new SARS virus has a greater potency to trigger strokes than the flu virus, although the absolute numbers are low, “so the doctor.

Data from New York shows that 1.6% of all COVID-19 patients treated in the hospital had a stroke. According to Kiechl, a study that has already been requested will investigate in detail how the stroke situation has developed across the country in recent months.

Stefan Kiechl

MUI / Vandory

Innsbruck epidemiologist and stroke expert Stefan Kiechl

Twice as often severe Covid-19 course

Stroke patients also generally have an increased risk of a severe course of Covid-19 infection, Kiechl warned: “There is good data on this from China and the United States: atherosclerosis and stroke patients who contract COVID-19, for example twice as often a severe course than in people with healthy blood vessels, “explained the expert.

On the one hand, the virus causes inflammation in the blood, activates it and damages the inner membrane of the blood vessels. On the other hand, it also activates platelets and coagulation systems. As a result, blood clots formed, Kiechl says.

Blood pressure monitor and tablets or drugs

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Antihypertensive medications should not be stopped without consulting a doctor

Don’t stop taking medications on your own

There is no evidence in Austria that people with stroke symptoms have been to the doctor less often since the outbreak of the pandemic, the expert denied. Warns against stopping blood pressure and lipid-lowering drugs alone. These were suspected of having a negative effect on the course of COVID-19. However, the first studies would not confirm this, the doctor gave it all clear.

According to Stefan Kiechl, drugs such as aspirin and cholesterol-lowering drugs also have a beneficial effect on the course of the infection. It is therefore important that stroke patients continue to take all their usual medications, even if they have a coronary infection.

Flu vaccination with syringe

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Viruses can cause strokes: Flu vaccination can reduce the risk

Influenza vaccination for patients at risk

Stroke expert Kiechl recommends people with a risk profile continue to take their medications and get a flu vaccination. A flu shot could prevent a stroke, Kiechl said. You should also pay attention to exercise and a healthy diet, take precautionary measures and call for help immediately if you have stroke symptoms, the doctor advised: “Don’t be afraid to visit the doctor and the hospital – it has been found that the risk of infection in hospitals is very low, “he said. the doctor.

The stroke care system in Austria has worked well so far, even during the crisis. According to Kiechl, a study that has already been requested will examine in detail how the stroke situation has developed across the country in recent months.

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