Corona is coming out and hair is falling out too. Know the secret and the method of treatment


Infection with the new Corona virus “Covid 19” has negative effects on some people, including the possibility of hair loss during home quarantine to prevent scalp and face, among many questions about the causes of this phenomenon and about what that people need to address this issue.


Why does my hair fall out during this period during home quarantine?

You may be one of the women asking this question in these difficult circumstances, as you notice that your hair is falling out without realizing it. Gyorgy Aramov, a trichologist, believes that hair loss lies in the stress associated with the fear of corona infection and explains that the effect of the Corona virus on the human body is not yet fully understood.
Aramov added: “Today it is 100% proven that baldness is a completely autoimmune process, which means that the immune system attacks the hair and most of the time this process occurs due to stress.”

Causes of hair loss during home quarantine for prevention

Corona virus leads to anxiety and tension during hair loss in home quarantine to prevent corona virus. Hair growth is usually negatively affected by psychological factors and pressures, leading to continued hair loss. So, staying at home all the time, without going out to breathe and meeting friends, definitely causes your stress causing hair loss.

Do some fat saturated foods lead to hair loss during home quarantine to prevent corona virus?

During home quarantine and due to boredom, you may be eating more fatty and unhealthy foods, which makes your body deficient in essential vitamins and proteins. Indeed, the lack of these nutrients from the body leads to repercussions and negative effects on the overall health of the body and scalp cells, and the hair starts after This period will lead to shedding.

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