Cornelia Catanga claims to be poor, but her gesture betrays her. What the artist is actually looking for


It seems that the famous violin soloist, Cornelia Catanga, has reached the end of her powers and can no longer cope with the household chores. So, for the little he earns from the pandemic, the artist decided to hire a housekeeper.

Cornelia Catanga says she is poor, but her gesture betrays her

Aside from the classic working conditions, the singer also has a great claim. Since other housewives had escaped with the goods from her home, the future employee will have to present a criminal record.

In the past, Cornelia Catanga had other help with housework, and now she is looking for help again. The housekeeper to be hired must meet several conditions, if she wants to work in the artist’s house, a villa located near the capital:

“I am urgently looking for an internal housekeeper, aged up to 60, 55-58 kilograms, without too many commitments. The salary is good, she will have tasty food, a good place to sleep. In two weeks she will benefit from two days of vacation. To be an expert. in various household chores, she can also be a provincial girl, “announces Cornelia Catanga, according to

Other housewives stole the goods from her home

Cornelia Catanga has had unpleasant experiences in the past. In 2011, the artist even complained to the police after running out of jewelry, cosmetics, a cell phone and a sum of money. At the time, three housewives worked for the famous singer, two from Buzău and one from Urziceni.

“My 16-gram gold earrings, which I had made to order, from the gold I inherited from my mother, disappeared when my son was born,” says Cornelia Catanga.

The artist, a year and a half before she ran out of jewelry, was robbed by another employee, who stole various goods, including gold, after which she ran away.

Cornelia Catanga at the end of her powers

So the artist is now hiring a housekeeper, although some time ago she said that her son helps her live. After losing her house, Cornelia Catanga rents and pays 800 euros per month.

“I live thanks to the help of my son. I am desperate if the bank takes my house. If I sue them, I will win. I was threatened by the bank. I didn’t know what this meant, and instead of them coming to throw me out, I I went. It wasn’t easy for me. My son brings money in the house. But now he doesn’t have either. I have some power, does anyone believe it? “Cornelia Catanga declared for Antena Stars.

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