Consequences of Coronavirus: Study Shows Mental Decline


The consequences of the coronavirus for the human brain are widely known. A new study makes its scope even clearer.

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus carries with it some non-negligible risks. However, the effects of Covid-19 respiratory disease affect not only the lungs, but also the heart and other organs. Above all, though, the brain seems very particular among the Consequences of the coronavirus suffer. Researchers use the example of many infected people to show just how dramatic they actually are.

Consequences of coronavirus: Researchers warn of mental decline

For some time, researchers from various institutes have been warning of the effects of Covid-19 on human brain functions. A new study investigated this phenomenon using test results from 84,285 test subjects and came up with troubling results. The consequences of the coronavirus appear to be far more worrying for the brain than previously thought.

“Our analyzes agree with the view that Covid-19 has chronic cognitive consequences,” the scientists involved in their report write. “People who recovered, including those who had no symptoms, showed significant cognitive deficits.” In some cases, this could even lead to progressive deterioration to correspond to an aging of the brain for up to ten years.

“The cognitive function of the participants before Covid is not known and the results do not reflect long-term recovery. Therefore, the effects on processes in the brain may be short-term,” also cited n-tv broadcaster Joanna Wardlaw. Professor of Neuroimaging at the University of Edinburgh.

The crown pandemic in Germany

The prevailing corona pandemic is still drawing deep furrows in the daily lives of people around the world. Also in Germany, Covid-19 and the consequences of the associated coronavirus have some unpleasant consequences. Not only have researchers now discovered a terrifying new sign of coronavirus, virologist Christian Drosten is now calling for a blockade across Germany.

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