confessions of girl mother who adopted


The first thing the woman highlighted in the interview with Cristina Estupiñán was her happiness that actress Johana Bahamón has gone through her life, two years ago, and became his “second family”.

For the same reason, he celebrated that his youngest daughter, Evelyn, whom Johana adopted into her family (a fact that has even become a celebrity trend), under the figures of guardian and joint custody, today I also called the mother actress.

“It was a great happiness. Evelyn has gotten used to calling her mother; You already know you have two mothers, two fathers, three little brothers … I have no words, “said Claribeth Mosquera in the aforementioned RCN News section, which has several presenters.

Who is the mother of the girl adopted by Johana Bahamón?

Claribeth Mosquera confessed in “Superlike” to being a former guerrilla, who was part of the ranks of a group outside the law, which he did not mention, “for lack of opportunity.”

For his actions, Good Shepherd ended up in prison, where he spent 11 years and 10 months, because, despite being sentenced to 41 years, she accepted the law on justice and peace, which substantially reduced her sentence, she acknowledged herself in the conversation.

Now that he has been released from prison, he hopes to enjoy his two daughters, although he has explained that Evelyn is also responsible for Johana Bahamón, and she begins to work and study drugs, because she has assured that the actress will support her.

These are some photos that the famous mother of the girl she welcomed into her family showed after she got out of prison, and several moments she shared with her after she was released. The shots were published on the artist’s Instagram:

What is it like to raise a child in prison?

Evelyn’s mother told Cristina Estupiñán that it is painful to have to raise a child in prison.

“One like her mother suffers a lot, because one wants to see them in a park, make them eat ice cream; then, it is believed that it is also depriving them of their freedom…. it’s a bit difficult, “said Claribeth Mosquera.

Later, the woman referred to the time when Johana Bahamón offered to give her daughter Evelyn better opportunities. However, there he acknowledged that at first he refused the artist’s offer, like can be heard the video that appears at the end of this note.

“She was isolated on patio 6 of the Buen Pastor, they were giving yoga classes and Johana walked in, saw her and fell in love. Then, ask, “Who is the girl’s mother?” I went out and [me dijo:] “I want to be a tutor.” At first, I replied: “No.” After yes. And it was a connection [entre ellas] that you can see it, you can make it happen, ”he said.


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