Comparison of Watch Dogs Legion on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5


Comparative Legion of Watch Dogs on Xbox and PlayStation X Series 5. After the arrival on the market of the new generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony, the first multiplatforms compatible with the new machines are already starting to arrive, and with them a multitude of comparisons to see how both machines behave.

Although Ubisoft games have already received comparisons of this kind with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, the last one was the comparison of Watch Dogs Legion on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. In this video made by elanalistadebits, we will be able to observe aspects such as reflections, drawing distance, loading times or stability of the fps.

Starting with the resolution, both games have variable resolution between 1440p and 2160p, although as the user assures, on PS5 it runs continuously at a slightly higher resolution. When it comes to reflections and fps stability, both titles are exactly the same, offering similar reflection fidelity and continuous stability at 30 fps.

On the other hand we have the loading times, a bit faster on Sony consoles, obtaining a result of 18 seconds for 22 on Xbox Series X. Just as both consoles can boast a commendable stability, it is also true that both Xbox Series X that PlayStation 5 have popping issues, which causes some elements to suddenly load on our screen.

Finally, it should be noted that although in the PlayStation 5 resolution section it had a little more than the Xbox Series X, as far as the draw distance and the anisotropic filter filter are concerned, the Microsoft console is the winner over Sony’s.

What do you think about this comparison of Watch Dogs Legion on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5? We read you in the comments.

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