cluster in the hospital, about thirty caregivers tested positive for Covid


Very complicated situation at the hospital of Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, in which about thirty nurses have tested positive for Covid in recent days. From an initial alarm at the end of last week, the situation has worsened dramatically in the past 48 hours. A third of health workers in the medical sector were arrested for carrying the virus.

“There are no problems in nursing homes,” insists Christian Soubie, director of hospitals in northern Gironde, a sector that represents 188 beds in the country of Foyen. On the other hand, that of medicine is strongly influenced. It was necessary to reorganize.

About forty beds, about twenty have been closed to remedy the lack of staff

Solidarity between hospitals in northern Gironde is also activated. Five Covid patients were transferred from Sainte-Foy-la-Grande to the Libourne special unit. Likewise, Libourne’s professionals come as reinforcements to help the foyen first aid.

Christian Soubie recalls that no hospital visit is allowed without a prescription, “more than ever today”. So far, this cluster does not appear to be accompanied by a sharp increase in Covid cases in the domestic sector. “But if I have caregivers affected in such a large number, it is a safe bet that there are others”, indicates the director of the hospital who insists: “The important thing is to respect the barrier gestures, everywhere, always.”

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