Cleopatra Stratan takes the plunge at just 18 years old! Nobody expected


Cleopatra Stratan and Edward Sanda have already made plans for the rest of their lives. As the two get along remarkably well, they are already planning to move to the capital together after she finishes her studies.

At first they denied their romance and claimed they were just friends. Later, Edward Sanda and Cleopatra Stratan decided not to hide from the eyes of the world and to recognize that they are a couple.

Since then, the two have not hesitated to show their love in public and are inseparable from each other. Recently, the artist celebrated his coming of age and got a big surprise. Edward asked her to marry him, and now the couple have big plans.

Cleopatra keeps your fans updated on everything that happens in her life and often responds to their curiosities. One of them recently asked her why she doesn’t live with her boyfriend. The artist did not stop to think and revealed the reason to the fan.

“Because I currently live in Chisinau, being a high school student. After taking the exams, we will move together to Bucharest. But when he comes here, in Chisinau, we both stay,” Cleopatra said.

Cleopatra: “I can’t see my life without him. He is my soul mate”

The artist following in her father’s footsteps has stated that she cannot see her future without Edward, which encourages her to take the plunge.

“We just noticed that we were made for each other. I never thought that the man of my life and the man I would spend my life with to the end was the man I met and with whom I shared the stage six years ago. It’s amazing! I was shocked when I did. (…) We had a lot in common and a lot of connections.

I haven’t been in a relationship so far and I said that if I still have a man in my life, I want him to be the first and the last one I will love, until the last second.

The first time, what won me over for him, what attracted me a lot and made me fall in love is the way he looked at me. It was extraordinary, I felt full of life, I felt like an artist. It makes me grow, I shine, I want to sing to compose, it inspires me. He’s the kind of man, the boy, I’ve always wanted with me, ”said Cleopatra Stratan, according to Cancan.

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