Chrome Update Shuts Zero-Day Leaks – IT Magazine


13. November 2020 – Again, two security vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Chrome browser that were already used for attacks. Google has now fixed the leaks with an update.

After the release of the second security update for the Chrome browser this week, Google had to send out another update (reported by “Swiss IT Magazine”). As announced by the company via a blog post, the browser for Windows, Mac and Linux has been updated to version 86.0.4240.198.

The update eliminates two security vulnerabilities where the risk is described as high here and there. Google confirms that both security holes are already being used for the attacks, which is why no details on the leaks will be disclosed for the time being.

Google wants to roll out the browser update in the next few days. Alternatively, the Windows version of the browser is available in our freeware library for manual installation. (rd)


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