Chrome PDF reader has a new design and new features – you can activate it | Technology


The PDF reader built into Google Chrome has revamped its design and added some new features, but if you want to enjoy the new features you have to activate it manually. We explain how to do it.

A few days ago, Google has launched Chrome 87, a version with the most interesting news. According to Big G, this is the update that delivers the biggest performance boost in years and has also improved browser efficiency.

According to data from Google, the improvements made with the new version reduce CPU usage by up to 5x and extend battery life by 1.25 hours. Obviously, to achieve this, the Mountain View company was forced to introduce limitations in the cards.

Some of the new features in Chrome 87 are not turned on by defaultand if you want to take advantage of them you have to enable them manually. This is what happened with the new Chrome actions, which make the address bar much more useful. This feature gives you the ability to perform quick actions just by typing a few words in the address bar, and if you want to use them you need to follow these steps to enable them.

Do you want to improve the use of your Google Chrome browser? Get to work and turn on some of the coolest flags for Chrome and get the most out of it.

The same thing happened with Chrome’s new PDF reader. Version 87 launches a PDF reader with a renewed design and new functions, but to view it you have to activate it manually via the Flags. Take note of what you need to do:

  • Open Chrome and type “chrome: // flags” (without quotes) in the address bar.
  • Type PDF Viewer Update in the search box.
  • Select Enabled from the drop-down menu on the right.
  • Click the Restart button at the bottom to apply the changes and restart the browser.

When the browser is reopened, the new Chrome PDF reader will be enabled. You will see that it has a revamped interface and that it includes a toolbar that makes it easy to switch between the different viewing options.

Have you noticed that Google Chrome is slower? Don’t panic – we tell you how to make your browser run faster and you can browse at full speed.

You have a button to quickly adjust the content advantageously, another button to rotate the content and in the three-dot icon you can find a function to activate the two-page view, allowing you to make better use of the viewing space on large screens.

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