Christina Perri: The singer is in mourning: she gave birth to her dead daughter


Christina Perri is deeply saddened. Their baby daughter, daughter, was born dead six months after her pregnancy. Just 10 months ago, the singer suffered a miscarriage.

Singer Christina Perri (34), who celebrated her breakthrough in 2011 with the ballad “Jar of Hearts”, reports to her fans with heartbreaking news. She lost her baby in the sixth month of pregnancy. She recently announced that she was admitted to a clinic early: a premature birth was imminent. But the hope remained that their little daughter would hold out a little longer and be born healthy. Now Christina Perri writes on Instagram: “We lost our baby girl last night. She was born dead after struggling so hard to enter our world. She is now at peace and will live forever in our hearts.” In the photo, the 34-year-old holds the little hand of his daughter.

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Christina Perri suffered a miscarriage in January

Christina Perri has been married to TV star Paul Costabile since 2017. In January, she miscarried when she was 11 weeks pregnant. A hard blow for the singer who wants a second child so badly. His daughter Carmella will turn two on January 17th.

Just a few days ago, Christina Perri proudly staged her baby bump on Instagram. An atypical detachment for her. She wrote: “I never wanted to do a pregnancy photo shoot. I didn’t take pictures when I was pregnant with Carmella because I was so traumatized by the experience of wearing so much. But then, after the January miscarriage, it all worked out. has changed for me. I am sincerely grateful to be pregnant and to be a woman. I am overwhelmed with what our bodies can do. I don’t know if I will ever be pregnant again, so this time I will celebrate and my Pregnancy, honor my baby and my beautiful body “.

Model Chrissy Teigen also had the excruciating experience of breastfeeding a few weeks ago – and has been very open about it. In the video below you can see the heartwarming statement about Baby Jack (†) and the images Chrissy shared from the clinic.

Mourning for Jack (†): You have lost your baby

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