Chrissy Teigen writes about her miscarriage: The torn placenta – people


She was in her twentieth week when the worst thing that could happen to a mother happened to her: Chrissy Teigen (34) lost her son. She had to give birth to him dead – he was a baby he called Jack – and she shared this incredibly sad event about her own Instagram account.

Now, three weeks later, he has written a long text in which he recounts this terrible experience in great detail. What happened when, what did he hear, what did he think. He wrote all his pain from his soul. Eight printed pages fill the document of their suffering.

And he posted it again quite openly on his Instagram page. He also responds to the severe criticism he received for posting his honest photos. Because there were an incredible number of people who, in their moments of greatest suffering, had nothing better to do than jump on this fact instead of expressing sympathy for Chrissy.

I can’t put into words how little I care if you hate these photos. How little do I care that you didn’t. I lived it, I wanted it and, more than anything else, the photos are for those who have also had this or are curious enough to know what it is like. These photos are for people who need them. I don’t care what other people think.

They created Chrissy Vilailuck Teigen’s mother and her husband John Legend (41) – which she had to force to do. “He hated it, I can tell you,” he writes. “It didn’t make sense to him. But I knew I needed this moment forever. Just as I want to remember that we kiss in front of the altar, just as I want to remember the tears of joy on Luna and Miles. I knew very well that I wanted to share this event “.

▶ ︎ Before the worst happened, Chrissy had big problems with the placenta. She has been in bed for a month and was bleeding nonstop. The biggest problem: too little amniotic fluid. Her little Jack could barely get on top of it. “Sometimes, I swear, it was so little that I would lie on my back and I could feel his arms and legs from the outside through my stomach.”

She was hoping so much that she could keep her little Jack in her stomach until week 28, as this would increase her chances of survival as a premature baby.

Then her placenta was torn! Doctors told her that if the baby wasn’t taken now, Chrissy would die. He went to the bathroom and looked inside. Only the amount of blood and clots told her there was nothing left to save.

Chrissy was crying out loud

Chrissy was crying out loudPhoto: chrissyteigen / Instagram

When Chrissy was given an oxygen mask on her mouth and nose in the hospital and the birth began, she began to cry unbearably. When she held Jack in her arms, she kissed his hands and feet again and again …

His ashes are in a small box. Chrissy and John want to bury their son in a tree in their new home. The house they bought to have room for three children.

“They say an experience like this leaves a hole in the heart. There is definitely a hole there, but I was filled with the love of someone I loved so much. This hole doesn’t look empty. It looks full. “

Sometimes Chrissy forgets that she is no longer pregnant. Then the stomach is still carefully held. Above all, she is infinitely grateful that so many people give her so much love. And it also encourages other women who have had abortions to open their hearts the way they want. Nobody should judge them for this, but treat them with love.


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