China claims covid-19 may have originated in northern Italy


China thinks covid-19 originally developed in Italy and not in Wuhan. The news was relaunched from New York Post. The Beijing government is attaching great importance to an Italian studio this highlights how covid-19 was circulating in Italy at the end of 2019.

The spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijiain, he told the Times how this study further demonstrates that tracing the origin of the virus is a complex scientific matter “that should be left to scientists, it’s a fluid process that can involve many countries.”

It is not the first time that China has tried to remove all its responsibilities for the development of the pandemic. In the past it has turned the spotlight on on a possible responsibility of Spain, as well as on the United States which could be responsible for the transfer of the virus to Wuhan in October 2019 on the occasion of the World military games.

In addition to this, the WHO previously stated that the virus may not have originated in China, but may have circulated to other countries, albeit asymptomatically.

However, many scientists are skeptical of the results of the Italian study together with the fact that it does not exclude covid-19 originating in China.

“We know that China has delayed the announcement of its outbreak, so you do not know when it started there, and China has strong trade links with northern Italy,” he said Giovanni Apolone of the National Cancer Institute in Milan told the UK Times.


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