Child and diabetes: what do peers need to know? – Family, well-being


Child and diabetes: what do peers need to know?
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The diagnosis of “diabetes” is a lifestyle that not only the patient but also other human beings have to live with. For Rimi Children, experts – pediatrician Sanita Kaipberga and certified nutritionist Olga Ļubina – explain how to live with diabetes not only for a young patient, but also for the people who are with him on a daily basis.

What is diabetes?

“Type 1 diabetes is more common in children, but nowadays there are also cases of type 2 diabetes associated with overweight and unhealthy lifestyles. In the past, adults between the ages of 40 and 45 had type diabetes. 2, but it can now be seen in adolescence, ”says pediatrician Sanita Kitiberga.

The expert explains that type 2 diabetes is treated with a healthy diet, tablets and / or insulin. Type 1 diabetes occurs mainly in childhood. The only chance of survival is regular insulin injections. Type 1 diabetes, which is more common in children and young people, means that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or does not produce enough. Insulin is a hormone needed by every cell in the body to receive glucose from the blood and convert it into energy. Without insulin, the body cannot live: glucose accumulates in the blood, a person becomes weak. Prolonged use of insulin can cause ketone (acetone) poisoning and death without treatment.

Diabetes is a common disease, but it is not contagious, it cannot be passed on to others by touch, saliva or in any other way. It is wrong to think that you can get diabetes by eating too many sweets.

What children need to know

When a child or teenager returns to school after having diabetes, it is very important for him or her to tell their friends what they know about diabetes and what to do in case of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Even better, a diabetes nurse can come to class and tell everyone who comes in contact with a child with diabetes about diabetes and their problems. It is particularly important that a physical education teacher attend this meeting. This should also be the case if the child changes class or school.

A child with diabetes should know that he can turn to any kindergarten or school staff member if he is feeling ill or having problems and that he will surely be helped. Therefore, it is important to inform all school staff that a child has diabetes before starting school.

School members, especially classmates, need to be informed about a student with diabetes so they can help if needed. Students with diabetes should be treated the same as any child and no special emphasis or exclusion should be allowed. In the microclimate of the classroom, a positive environment must be created so that a child with diabetes is not ashamed to talk about it, encourages Sanita Kaipberga.

A child with type 1 diabetes must always be accompanied by:

– insulin and equipment to inject it (usually looks like a small pen),

– blood glucose meter, test strips and diabetes diary,

– a “snack box” for the prevention and treatment of hypoglycemia. These can be glucose tablets, fruit juice, a cereal bar, snack or sandwich;

– water or low-sugar drink.

What teachers need to know about a child with diabetes

Intellectually, these children are not lagging behind other students, but low or high blood sugar can make concentration more difficult. If you feel your child is getting too emotional, this can lead to a sudden change in blood sugar and cause unexpected hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, she says. Rhymes For children expert, pediatrician Sanita Kaipberga.

It is important for children with diabetes to ask before exams if everything is okay and to make sure that the child has eaten something or a snack. Even on school trips, hikes, excursions and other events, make sure your child eats on time.

When it comes to physical activity, children with diabetes are not only allowed to play sports, they need it. It should be remembered that sports lower blood sugar levels and sports teachers should give more supervision to children with diabetes, says Sanita Kitiberga.

Hypoglycemia and how to react to it

Hypoglycemia is a low blood sugar level. This can be caused by a number of conditions:

– insufficient or delayed food intake,

– too much insulin,

– stressful situation,

– increased physical activity.

If your child has low sugar, you should eat or drink one of the following products as soon as possible: grain sugar (2-3 pieces), glucose tablets (2-4 pieces), a spoonful of honey, candy (2-3 lollipops), 10-12 grapes, a piece of white bread, biscuits, sweet tea (with 2-3 teaspoons of sugar), sweet juice (1/2 to 1 cup).

If a child has hypoglycemia (tremors, seizures, loss of balance or even unconsciousness), they should never participate in active physical activity! In case of disturbances of consciousness, a safe position of the body must be ensured: stable lateral lying, also fixation (if there are convulsions). The blood sugar level must be measured with a glucometer, the severity of the situation is communicated Rhymes For children Sanita Kaipberga experts.

If your child’s sugar level is below 4 mmol / L:

  • an appropriate dose of glucagon should be administered intramuscularly as indicated to raise sugar levels;

  • if there is no glucagon – call an ambulance (telephone – 113), indicating the reason – severe hypoglycemia in a diabetic patient;

  • do not give the child unconsciously to eat or drink, because he could choke!

If a child with diabetes is studying in an educational institution, glucagon should be stored in the refrigerator at the medical center for first aid.

What snacks can be offered to a child with diabetes

Children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes need to be especially careful when choosing snacks and calculate how much and what they can eat, points out certified nutritionist Olga Lubina. In general, every diabetic patient knows how many carbohydrate products he can eat in a meal. Counting this snack in the permissible amount of carbohydrates, the child can also eat ordinary candy or a piece of cake. In this case, a more rapid rise in glucose levels should be expected.

“There are diabetic products that contain sweeteners instead of sugar. Sweeteners tend to be different: natural, such as sugar alcohols (xylitol, sorbitol, erythritol), stevia and artificial ones, such as aspartame. Patients diagnosed with diabetes. should preferably take products with these sweeteners, but the diet should take into account not only the sugars and sugar substitutes used in the manufacture of the products, but also other products containing carbohydrates such as flour. You can use coconut flour, almonds, seeds instead. pumpkin “, suggests Olga Lubina.

SIA Rimi Latvia

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