Chef with knives. Reversal of the situation! Who won the team cooking test


The band started working, the jurors carefully tasted and analyzed every detail, from the taste and color to the plating. Then, with many emotions, the competitors of the three teams led by Sorin Bontea, Florin Dumitrescu and Cătălin Scarlătescu waited for the verdict.

Of all the dishes, the one prepared by Cătălin Scarlătescu got by far the most votes: nine out of eleven!

The duel!

Competitors from the teams led by Sorin Bontea and Florin Dumitrescu entered the duel and received an interesting theme from Gina Pistol: fluids!

It seems that the test of the fluid gave Alberto Chelu some problems, because the consistency of its preparation seemed more puree than soup and this was completely attributed to the marks given by Florin Dumitrescu, Cătălin Scarlătescu and Sorin Bontea, in tasting, in the 38th edition of the season 8 of the show “Chef with knives“. Thus, after losing Vincent Lointier, Florin Dumitrescu has once again lost a hard piece: Alberto Chelu, the golden knife, leaves the competition, having obtained the lowest score in the cooking test, in the duel, second. Antena1.

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