Chainlink VRF makes blockchain games more reliable by using a verifiable on-chain randomness source


Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Randomness Function) was recently released on the Ethereum mainnet and the Lossless PoolTogether lottery is the first project to adopt it.

Verifiable randomness is extremely important and is critical to the development of many applications because it serves as a mechanism for creating unpredictability.

This unpredictability provides protection against malicious entities attempting to decrypt a system, however it can introduce an element of surprise into applications, determine the outcome of processes, and authenticate the creation of original things.

The challenge for developers is that obtaining an RNG source that cannot be tampered with or predicted is an incredibly difficult problem.

Now George Town, Grand Cayman-based smart contract developer Chainlink, has been working on the VRF feature. Randomness is a crucial element for decentralized gaming and security use cases.

Random number generation (RNG) is critical to developing many applications, but getting a source of RNG that cannot be tampered with or predicted is an incredibly difficult problem.

On-chain RNG is prone to mining attacks and off-chain RNG requires complete trust in the data provider.

Chainlink is an oracular network that sits between blockchain and “real world data” such as real-time pricing of assets, events, weather data or games. Its technology generates verifiable, on-chain randomness for smart contracts.

Smart contract developers can use Chainlink VRF as a means of creating reliable smart contracts for any application that relies on unpredictable results.

With each new request for randomness, Chainlink VRF generates a random number and cryptographic proof of how that number was determined.

The proof is published and verified in the chain before it can be used by any consumer application. This process ensures that the results cannot be tampered with or manipulated by anyone.

Using VRF, smart contract developers can make online games more reliable by using a chain-verifiable source of randomness, allowing developers to provide additional evidence to security-sensitive users.

Chainlink VRF makes blockchain games more reliable by using a verifiable on-chain randomness source zdnet


VRF can make games more fun by generating challenging and unpredictable scenarios and environments, and assigning unpredictable rewards to players such as loot.

It can also generate random assignments of tasks and resources, such as the random assignment of judges to cases or auditors to audited companies.

PoolTogether is a lossless gaming protocol powered by Ethereum. People put their money together, that pool of money earns interest, and a random person is chosen to win the interest earned. PoolTogether will use Chainlink VRF to ensure that random winners are selected fairly.

Over the past year, Chainlink has integrated with over 275 blockchains, applications and entities, including Google, Deutsche Telekom, Industrial Bank of Korea and Microsoft, and EY’s Baseline Protocol.

The ability to access a fair and impartial source of randomness in a demonstrably secure way allows blockchain developers to start building new on-chain functions.

Examples include: distributing tickets to high-demand events, introducing random events in-game (such as selecting the warrior’s weapon), choosing a juror for a case, or drawing a lottery winner . It has significant potential for the business.

The Chainlink VRF creates a solution that can be verified directly on the chain by any user using cryptographic proofs. This solution can provide greater levels of trust and transparency in random-based processes that not even the oracle or the project developers can tamper with.

And tamper-proof designs will form the foundation for secure and reliable apps and business processes that have randomness as a prerequisite for their success.

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