Said the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Disease Prevention and ControlDr Robert Redfield said the CDC will soon release new guidelines to reduce the number of days for coronavirus quarantine from two weeks to just 7-10 days, according to the network. CNN American.

Redfield explained that the new guidelines would recommend that people with coronavirus should be closely quarantined for 7-10 days after exposure, compared to the currently recommended 14 days, and people can quarantine after 7 days if they receive. a negative test, or 10 days without testing.
The CDC (Center for Disease Prevention and ControlIt updated its definition of close contact with a Corona patient in late October to include multiple and short exposures.
The current definition of Coronavirus exposure includes a total of 15 minutes to be spent at a distance of 2 meters or closer to a previously infected person.Center for Disease Prevention and ControlClose contact is 15 minutes of continuous exposure to the affected individual.
Redfield announced the upcoming quarantine guidelines during a coronavirus task force meeting on Tuesday, officials said, and described the change as a data-driven decision that has been under review for weeks.
He said health experts continued to emphasize the importance of communicating and implementing mitigation measures to reduce the alarming number of coronavirus infection cases across the country. Mitigation efforts include wearing masks, social distancing, avoiding crowding, and frequent hand washing.
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