
Tanzanian challenger vows to return from Belgian exile

[ad_1] Tienen (Belgium) (AFP) Last month, Tundu Lissu was campaigning for the presidency of Tanzania. Today he is back in a simple ground floor apartment in the small Belgian town where he recovered from multiple gunshot wounds the last time he was forced to flee his homeland. It is dangerous …

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Thousands of Trump supporters protest the election results

[ad_1] S.They came from all directions and marched past the White House, a small sea of ​​red caps and blue-white-red Trump flags. That Saturday afternoon, they, Trump’s loyal fans, gathered to protest: for the incumbent president, against the November 3 election result. What they said at that demonstration in Washington …

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10 tons of marijuana seized in northern Argentina – Xinhua

[ad_1] BUENOS AIRES, November 14 (Xinhua) – More than 10 tons of marijuana were seized on Saturday by the Argentine National Gendarmerie (GNA) in the northern province of Misiones, the security ministry said. With the help of sniffer dogs, the drugs were seized in a joint operation led by the …

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Donald Trump dates for coronavirus vaccine

[ad_1] Trump provided information on the “Warp Speed ​​Operation” launched for Covid-19 vaccine studies at the press conference he held at the White House. Claiming to have announced the largest mobilization in the country’s history against the virus in the past 9 months, Trump said, “We are leading the development …

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