
New York Times: Coronavirus immunity after infection can last a few years or longer, new study shows | News, foreign news | Freedom

[ad_1] Eight months after being infected with the novel coronavirus, most cured people still have enough immune cells to prevent infection and prevent disease, according to data from the “Immune Memory in SARS-CoV-2” study, conducted by researchers from the La Jolla Institute of Immunology, California. According to new data, a …

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0 grade alert. American embassy hit by a “rain” of missiles

[ad_1] Several Katyusha missiles fell on Tuesday in Baghdad’s so-called Green Zone, home to several government buildings and foreign embassies, Iraqi police sources quoted by Reuters and AFP say. According to a security source, at least four missiles were fired, one of which landed near the US embassy. No casualties …

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The British Consul General saves a drowning student

[ad_1] Twitter screenshot 1/9 On Saturday, a student (24) from Wuhan was filmed in a village near the megacity of Chongqing, China, as he was drowning. She slipped over the rocks in deep water. Twitter screenshot 2/9 Keep fighting until it disappears under a bridge and then reappears on the …

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Launch of missiles on the American embassy in Iraq

[ad_1] Several rockets were launched Tuesday night in Baghdad, in the so-called Green Zone, where the US embassy is located, Euronews and the Washington Post report, citing security sources. The embassy’s anti-missile system reacted. Reporters in Baghdad heard several explosions from the Green Zone, followed by rapid red fire, indicating …

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How the second Corona wave is sweeping Italy

[ad_1] How the second Corona wave is sweeping Italy Italy has already been hit hard by the Coronavirus, now the second wave is raging. The government wants to tackle this problem with drastic measures. Hans-Jürgen Schlamp, Rome / t-online San Camillo-Forlanini is a large and venerable hospital with modern facilities …

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New development in the Corona vaccine! Distribution in the USA started

[ad_1] The US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Prof. Dr. Pilot distribution of the vaccine developed in collaboration with the German biotechnology company BioNTech, of which Uğur Şahin is a founding partner, has started against the coronavirus (Covid-19). The New York Post newspaper announced that the pilot distribution of the vaccine developed …

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