
‘Godzilla wasp’ SWIMS underwater to catch its prey

[ad_1] ‘Godzilla wasp’ discovered in Japan can swim underwater and inserts its parasitic larvae into unsuspecting prey It is the first example of a species of wasp that deliberately dives under water The wasp does this to attack the caterpillars from below to catch them off guard Researchers found the …

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New computational method for modeling the ice bond using biasing

[ad_1] Written by AZoMNovember 4, 2020 Some molecules tend to bond closely to the ice surface, forming a curved interface that inhibits further growth of the ice crystal. Ice polarization simulations can detect the ice binding site of the overactive antifreeze protein from the Tenebrio molitor beetle, TmAFP. Image credit: …

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The moon’s “long-lost twin” may have been found

[ad_1] Scientists from the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium in Northern Ireland have found that the asteroid has a very similar composition to that of the Moon. The space debris that follows the planets in their orbits is known as “trojans”. They remain trapped within the gravitational pull of the planets, …

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