
The Space Review: Moon 2020-something

[ad_1] A human lunar landing in 2024, a goal that many in the industry had treated with skepticism even before the election, may now be out of reach. (credit: NASA) by Jeff FoustMonday 9 November 2020 It may be hard to believe, in this age when the pandemic has warped …

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Jupiter’s moon Europa could glow in the dark

[ad_1] Jupiter is frozen moon Europe is considered one of the few organizations in ours solar system which has the potential to harbor some form of life. It has a deep ocean beneath an icy crust, which like Earth’s, may contain salt, and plumes of water vapor have been discovered …

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Star flares affect the habitability of exoplanets

[ad_1] The evolution of planetary atmospheres is influenced by space time which generally includes events on the Sun and on space near the Earth. In a recent study, researchers analyze the relationship between stars and planets outside the Solar System called exoplanets. Researchers from New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) …

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Star flares affect the habitability of exoplanets

[ad_1] The evolution of planetary atmospheres is influenced by space time which generally includes events on the Sun and on space near the Earth. In a recent study, researchers analyze the relationship between stars and planets outside the Solar System called exoplanets. Researchers from New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) …

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