
Chapare virus: worries arise in Bolivia – La Nouvelle Tribune

[ad_1] Chapare virus: worries arise in BoliviaThe new grandstand Scientists are concerned: Chapare virus, a rare deadly disease in Bolivia, can be transmitted from person to person! Chapare virus: should we fear this deadly disease from Bolivia?Very doctissimo Researchers confirm human-to-human transmission of the rare virus in BoliviaYahoo News View …

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volunteer talks about side effects – La Nouvelle Tribune

[ad_1] A few days after the announcement of the vaccine developed by the American company Modern, a man who took part in clinical trials tried to describe the side effects he experienced when he received the different doses. Invited to virtually participate in the UK show Good morning Great Britain, …

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Eggs dangerous to health? Pay attention to your consumption!

[ad_1] Known for their high protein concentration, eggs are one of the most consumed foods. Even if they seem harmless, would increase the risk of developing diabetes by 60%. Also to read: Warning: big risks if you consume these red onions! Eggs, a dangerous food? Europeans consume on average 213 …

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What effects does imprisonment have on the chronically ill? Study Provides “Rather Reassuring” Results

[ad_1] With the Covid-19 epidemic, Dijon University Hospital has received numerous donations, intended for research. “We received in particular an envelope of 75,000 euros paid by the DFCO (Dijon football Côte-d’Or)”, underlines Florence Martel, director of research at the CHU. Thanks to these resources, twelve research projects have been funded, …

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COVID-19: outbreak at La P’tite Grenouille bar in Rimouski

[ad_1] The Bas-Saint-Laurent Regional Directorate of Public Health asks customers who visited the La P’tite Grenouille bar in Rimouski on 12, 13 and 14 November to take the test. • Read also: All the developments in the COVID-19 pandemic • Read also: COVID-19: 35 new deaths and another 1,179 cases …

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