
194 countries work together to defeat cervical cancer

[ad_1] Reuters Trump tries to block the results certification process WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Donald Trump will be receiving Republican leaders in the Michigan legislature at the White House on Friday to try to get them to reject Joe Biden’s victory and name himself big voters to support his cause. He …

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Is the mRNA vaccine a bioengineering discovery of the decade?

[ad_1] On the breakthrough of bioengineering publication. Vypočujte you podcast Listen >> Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcast | RSS 2020 is likely to go down in history forever as a year in which all of humanity fought hard against the coronavirus and COVID-19. But while in February …

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Covid-19, dengue, malaria, king cobra bite: the misfortunes of a British man who has gone blind and paralyzed

[ad_1] Society 13:57 20.11.2020(updated 14:09 20.11.2020) Short URL Sputnik France Anastasia Patts. Sputnik France Before losing sight and being paralyzed by a king cobra bite in India, a Briton suffered from Covid-19, malaria and dengue, Skynews says. He was placed in intensive care and his condition remains …

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the disease is linked to an imbalance of the intestinal flora

[ad_1] New evidence of the close relationship between the health of our gut flora and that of our brain, researchers have shown that Alzheimer’s disease is in fact linked to an imbalance in our microbiota. The development of Alzheimer’s disease is well linked to a specific imbalance of the gut …

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