
pharmacists who volunteer for vaccination

[ad_1] The Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France said on Tuesday that pharmacists are willing to “contribute” to the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, under certain conditions. Pharmacists, who are currently vaccinating against influenza, are volunteering to “contribute” to the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, the French Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions (FSPF), the industry’s …

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Synairgen joins Parexel Biotech to study the COVID-19 drug

[ad_1] Parexel Biotech, a division of drug development services company Parexel, has entered into a strategic partnership with Synairgen, a respiratory treatment development company. The two will collaborate in the conduct of a Phase III study on SNG001, in the inhaled formulation of a treatment with interferon beta (IFN-beta) for …

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Do endocrine disruptors play a role in severe Covid-19?

[ad_1] A recent study looked at possible links between the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic and the deterioration of our environment caused by chemicals. This new light points to endocrine disruptors, these everyday pollutants that can be involved in severe forms of Covid-19. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] …

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Knowledge of the disease, respect for containment, vaccine … The five things to remember from our Covid-19 Barometer

[ad_1] Coronavirus illustration. – Pixabay Every month, 20 minutes, in collaboration with Doctissimo and YouGov, presents its health barometer on the knowledge and behavior of the French towards the coronavirus. Their knowledge is very good, both on symptoms and on precautionary measures, and the interviewees respect the imprisonment. But doubts …

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Covid vaccine: the strategies of other Europeans

[ad_1] CORONAVIRUS – Perhaps Emmanuel Macron will talk about it this Tuesday evening, November 24, as part of his speech on the reduction of imprisonment? In any case in Europe, as more and more encouraging results are reported regarding covid-19 vaccines, our neighbors are refining their plans. As you can …

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