
simple positive words from the caregiver can ease the pain

[ad_1] THE ESSENTIAL The researchers compared the effects of three types of communication on pain, comfort and anxiety in patients during an infusion. Using positive words can improve pain perception and the patient’s subjective experience. “Attention, punch”, would not be the ideal sentence to say before a blood test or …

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A green Mediterranean diet is better for health .. Know the benefits

[ad_1] Recent research has found that a Mediterranean diet containing more plant matter may be better for cardiovascular health and metabolism than the traditional version, and the green Mediterranean diet contains more plant matter and very little red meat or poultry, perhaps better. For cardiovascular and metabolic health from the …

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10 foods men should make sure they eat

[ad_1] To stay healthy, you need to eat healthy food, which includes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. This may seem appropriate to almost everyone, but there are some subtle differences between healthy diets for men and women, even though we share 98.5% of our …

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Does Vitamin D Protect Against Covid?

[ad_1] the essential While England has decided to distribute 2 million doses of vitamin D to elderly people considered at risk of developing severe Covid 19, what do we really know about the protective effect of vitamin D against the SARS-CoV-2 virus? The response of Professor Pierre Delobel, head of …

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