
Incredible health benefits of turmeric tea … learn them

[ad_1] Turmeric tea is one of the most popular spices in Asia. Thanks to its magical medicinal properties that fight infections and various types of diseases. The “Sputnik” agency cited a number of incredible health benefits of drinking turmeric tea on “Bold Sky” based on specialized scientific studies. The most …

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What happens with “Buhaira Health”? .. Exemption of a “poorly performing” doctor, then promoted to oversee isolation hospitals (documents)

[ad_1] Sign up to receive the most important news The Al-Beheira Health Directorate issued two conflicting decisions, one of which denies the abuses against the director of Sadr Damanhour Hospital, one of the isolation hospitals, in the way that he apologized for the position, claiming “non-sick benefits” according to a …

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What happens with “Buhaira Health”? .. Exemption of a “poorly performing” doctor, then promoted to oversee isolation hospitals (documents)

[ad_1] Sign up to receive the most important news The Al-Beheira Health Directorate issued two conflicting decisions, one of which denies abuses against the director of Sadr Damanhour Hospital, one of the isolation hospitals, in the way that prompted him to apologize for the position, claiming “non-sick benefits. “according to …

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“On vaccines we must be frank with patients”

[ad_1] “Patients are already telling me a little about the future vaccination against Covid-19. Some say it will allow us to get out of the epidemic, others tell me they are very afraid of it. For the moment we don’t have a directive, the strategy is not yet fixed. The …

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Stomach Cancer Warning Signs – Health Statement – Life

[ad_1] Stomach cancer develops in the inner lining of the stomach. This type of cancer usually grows at a slower rate than other forms, and relatively mild symptoms are easily overlooked in the early stages. Mild symptoms can include an episode of acid reflux and need to be monitored closely. …

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