
the great baclofen comeback is not the silver bullet

[ad_1] THE ESSENTIAL Baclofen will finally be back on the market in a few weeks. “The only means currently available to effectively combat alcoholism is comprehensive patient care.” It’s a real judicial soap opera. The State Council finally overturned the decision to suspend the marketing authorization (AMM) of Baclocur, a …

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Cocoa could make you smarter and we finally know why

[ad_1] Several studies have already shown that flavanols, which are found in particular in cocoa beans, have a protective action on the cardiovascular system. Some findings have also suggested that diets rich in flavanols limit cognitive aging, although the exact action of these compounds has never been clearly understood. Researchers …

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scientists develop meat from human cells

[ad_1] Imagine a world where animal meat as we know it no longer exists and is replaced by artificial meat made from human cells that you created yourself, with the added benefit of better traceability. American researchers created a steak from human cells taken from the inside of the cheeks. …

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Mental state of post-Covid-19 patients worries doctors – Yahoo News

[ad_1] The mental state of post-Covid-19 patients worries doctorsYahoo News 7% of hospitalized patients suffer from post-traumatic stress disorderLCI Covid-19: a Lille study concerns itself with the post-traumatic stress developed by some patientsBFMTV “At 40 brooms I no longer recognized myself”: Vincent, a victim of post-traumatic stress after CovidThe Parisian …

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what has changed in a year?

[ad_1] For the ninth consecutive year, the magazine To prescribe publishes the blacklist of marketing authorization medicines (AMMs). Let’s see what has changed since the article we wrote the year before. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Counterfeiting: beware of drugs sold on the Internet Counterfeiting affects all sectors, …

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