
WEIGHT LOSS: still possible after 60 years!

[ad_1] The study is conducted with patients followed in an obesity ward (BMI> 40 kg / m2) in a hospital setting. Analysis of the data found no difference in weight loss between subjects under the age of 60 and participants aged between 60 and 78. Debunking the myth about how …

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vitamin warning for hair

[ad_1] THE ESSENTIAL ANSES received two reports in 2019 of life-threatening acute hepatitis, possibly related to the consumption of this dietary supplement. Multiple, prolonged or repeated intakes of food supplements should be avoided throughout the year without consulting a health professional (doctor, dietician, etc.). ANSES recommends that women using oral …

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Signs of low testosterone in men

[ad_1] A study conducted by the “Cleveland Clinic” on low testosterone hormone that causes hypogonadism in men showed that 40% of men aged 45 and over suffer from low levels of male hormone, as it is difficult to determine levels normal testosterone. Because the levels vary throughout the day. The …

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Signs of low testosterone in men

[ad_1] A study conducted by the “Cleveland Clinic” on the low testosterone hormone that causes hypogonadism in men showed that 40% of men aged 45 and over suffer from low levels of male hormones, as it is difficult to determine natural levels of testosterone. Because the levels vary throughout the …

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Corona and lung cancer … the similarities and differences

[ad_1] publication date:28.11.2020 | 07:54 GMT | Health Reuters Follow RT on The President of the British Cancer Society, Robert Rintola, revealed the similarities and differences between the symptoms of Coronavirus infection and lung cancer. Rintola said that despite the similarities in symptoms in people with Corona virus and in …

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should we fear a third wave of epidemic?

[ad_1] France resumed the deconfinement process this week and the expected arrival of vaccines in 2021 gives renewed optimism. But the risk of a third wave of Covid-19 is very real and the government has its work cut out on the issue of testing and isolating positive cases. Thanks to …

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