
Bitcoin is about to break another record!

[ad_1] Bitcoin is currently trading near its all-time high of US $ 19,450 (CA $ 25,453). Over the past month, the cryptocurrency has increased by 50%. Indeed, this week alone, it added tens of billions of aggregate value. Investors are optimistic that it could break its record and reach a …

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Government “no price increases due to airline mergers and acquisitions”, but … Not allowed in Australia and New Zealand

[ad_1] Enter 2020.11.19 06:00 Concerns about Korean Air monopoly and Asiana M&A … Government “no price hike” Competition authorities in Australia and New Zealand denied the permit, saying, “It is against the interests of the people.” Korea Development Bank Korean Air (003490)is Asiana Airlines (020560)While promoting mergers and acquisitions, the …

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Revenues of the national general public budget increased by 3% in October | Taxes | Budget revenue | Increase_Sina

[ad_1] Revenues of the national general government budget increased by 3% in October | Taxes | Budget revenue | Increase_Sina TechnologySina China’s tax revenue and expenses from January to October fell 5.5% and 0.6% year-on-year, and both fell for 9 consecutive monthsWall Street Journal Chinese website View the full report …

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“Pfizer vaccine, application for emergency use on 20 … Approval may be possible within the year” -Dong-A Ilbo

[ad_1] “Pfizer vaccine, application for emergency use on 20 … Approval may be possible within the year”Dong-A Ilbo “Pfizer’s Corona 19 Vaccine Phase 3 Clinical Trial Produces 95% Prevention Effect” / YTNYTN News [속보] Pfizer, the end result of the corona vaccine is “95% immune effect”Chosun Ilbo [팩트체크]Can’t Korea Produce …

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