
“Ransomware Estimation” Attack … 23 Department Stores and Outlets Temporarily Closed / KBS-KBS News

[ad_1] “Ransomware estimate” attack … 23 department stores and outlets temporarily closed / KBSKBS News “It’s Special” … Department Stores Closed Due to Ransomware Attack, E-Land Panic-JoongAng IlboJoongAng Ilbo [단독] Computerized error in E-Land affiliated stores such as NC department stores … Emergency / YTN company suspensionYTN News I can’t …

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Big credit loans exceeding 100 million won this week

[ad_1] From this week, the notes will actively block credit loans that exceed 100 million won or exceed 200% of annual income. Earlier, the financial authorities announced on the 13th that they will implement the “ Total Debt Principal Repayment Ratio (DSR) 40% ” regulation on credit loans above 100 …

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