
The pro-cyclical sector collectively erupted and even the middlemen came to “join the fun”! Is a “good show” coming? _ Oriental Fortune Network

[ad_1] Original title: Pro-cyclical industry brokers are also coming to “join the fun”! Is a “good show” coming? Summary [Anche i broker del settore prociclico sono venuti per “unirsi al divertimento”! Sta arrivando un “bello spettacolo”? ]While the so-called strong, Hengqiang, the pro-cyclical sector that we have repeatedly mentioned has …

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[빅뉴스] Han Jin Kal points to KCGI, “irresponsible speculators” China presses Hong Kong’s democratic forces / KBS-KBS News

[ad_1] [빅뉴스] Han Jin-Kal points to KCGI, “irresponsible speculators” … China, Hong Kong democratic pressure forces / KBSKBS News Han Jin Kal at the Kangsung Wealth Fund, “We must stop irresponsible behavior that prevents the acquisition of Asiana”Chosun Ilbo “Investments in Hanjin Kal, Cho Won-tae does not protect management rights” …

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