
The Bespoke Grande, which led to Samsung Electronics executives being promoted, how well they sold.

[ad_1] Bespoke refrigerator, direct fire oven, microwave, dishwasher, induction, cube refrigerator, etc. Samsung(71,500 + 2.58%)It is drawing attention to the background by selecting a number of executives in the home appliance division who have developed “Custom Made” and “Great Artificial Intelligence”. On the 4th, Samsung Electronics promoted Lee Kang-hyup, head …

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The aviation industry cuts more than 500 jobs in two days, fires 160 employees and fires nearly 285 employees. Airline meal suppliers will begin operations after “guaranteed job” ends -20201205-Economics-Ming Pao News Network

[ad_1] The aviation industry cuts more than 500 jobs in two days, fires 160 people and fires 160 employeesMing Pao news network Hong Kong Airlines cuts more than 440 people in one day, China Aviation Company cuts 160 more, Hong Kong Dragon disrupts Lufthansa Sky Kitchen and cuts 285 peopleHong …

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