Carolina Sandoval showed her cellulite in a short dress and the criticism rained


Carolina Sandoval showed her cellulite in a short dress and the criticism rained

Carolina Sandoval, The Poisonous

Photo: Alberto E. Tamargo. / Grosby Group

The controversial expression of Telemundo, Carolina sandoval, caused a sensation by posting a photograph on Instagram with a super short golden dress. Very self-confident, she showed herself again as she is, without excess filters and with its imperfections on the surface.

Sitting at a table, with a blonde wig on her head and her big smile, “The poisonous” addressed to women a message that he repeated ad nauseam and is that of “They accept themselves as they are, without being ashamed to show their bodies.” Just like she does, she always shows off with her roundness, cellulite, natural hair, and clean face without a drop of makeup.

This obviously sparked a series of comments, among which were many people who criticized her saying this “Enough to show it all all the time” what “It is vulgar past”. They also insured it “She disrespects her husband without mercy”, but the former pilot of Tell me what you know turned a deaf ear as in almost all of his publications.

There is no doubt “The poisonous” She is happy with life, shows her guilt-free body and turns her back on comments that threaten her peace. In addition, she continues to grow with her brand of clothing, girdles, wigs and many other items that she has incorporated and also generates varied and current content for her social networks.

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