caregivers at the Mont-de-Marsan hospital with “after-effects” according to the CGT


On Tuesday, the CGT of the Mont de Marsan hospital launches a symbolic mobilization. The banners will be hung at the plant. There are obviously the claims that remain, the latter aggravated by the coronavirus crisis: lack of staff, closing of beds, salaries. But there is also anger over the handling of the pandemic and its consequences for hospital caregivers.

More than 250 healthcare workers contaminated according to the CGT

The CGT of the Mont-de-Marsan hospital counts in a press release “at least 250 professionals Mons“contaminated by Covid 19.”There are people who have contracted the virus most likely in the course of their duties in their department. There are those who return with what we will call sequelae. A persistent cough, shortness of breath during exertion. When I say effort, it’s a simple walk“, explains Nicolas Bordes, nurse and representative of the CGT of the hospital of Mons.

Occupational disease and waiting day

The problem for the CGT is that until a few weeks ago sick Covid staff could apply for recognition of the occupational disease. This is no longer the case. “Until September 15, any hospital staff who contracted the virus could apply for recognition as an occupational disease and this was granted. And a decree says that it stops on September 15 and that after September 15, to be recognized as an occupational disease, it is necessary to have resorted to oxygen therapy, that is a serious form of coronavirus with great damage to the lungs. Or be deceased“, denounces Nicolas Bordes.

Consequences, according to the trade unionist, the sick have to pay their health costs “out of their own pocket“with the support of social security, while according to the CGT, it should be the responsibility of the employer”.This means that today those who fight the coronavirus in carrying out their duties are considered a normal disease. Exactly as if we had broken a knee while skiing “.

Finally, in the same vein, the CGT calls for the abolition of the waiting day for coronavirus patients. Because today a caregiver who falls ill with Covid 19 loses a day’s salary with his sick leave.

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