Caregiver, you don’t want to be vaccinated against Covid-19, why?


A man who posed as a doctor after being interned for 10 years. – Pixabay

They will be an essential centerpiece of the Covid-19 vaccination strategy. Doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, all caregivers will be among the priority audiences. The High Authority for Health (HAS) in fact defined this Monday morning the different phases of this campaign, which could be launched very quickly. Provided that the European Union validates the vaccine (s) in preparation.

Vaccine priority assistants

Emmanuel Macron was very clear on this point: vaccination will not be mandatory. But some will be encouraged to get vaccinated, in a specific order.

From the first phase, the staff of the oldest nursing homes and those suffering from co-morbidities, as well as residents will be invited to do so. In a second phase, we will extend to all healthcare professionals over the age of 50 or those with comorbid factors.

Finally, the third phase (out of five), vaccination will be offered to all health and socio-medical professionals. Indeed, these highly exposed and essential professions need to be protected as quickly as possible. Problem, I’m not sure all of these caregivers will want to follow these recommendations.

Are you a caregiver, why don’t you want to be vaccinated against Covid-19? Would you be willing to do it as a second step, when and if all the safety conditions are met? Are you generally in favor of vaccines, but wary of this one in particular? Or do you refuse to be vaccinated in general, especially against the flu? Under what conditions do you think the majority of caregivers could agree to be vaccinated against Covid-19?



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