Can you pass the MIR 2021 exam?


In the absence of an official date to celebrate the MIR 2021 examThousands of medical students have started to prepare a call that should be a record again, in the absence of knowing the total number of places called. Furthermore, this year the changes already affected in the previous call will be maintained: a total of 175 applications, plus 10 reserve applications, and a maximum duration of 4 hours.

And it is that the thousands of candidates who will be presented for this exam every day train these changes and the Medicine program through exercises. The objective is none other than to adapt as much as possible to the MIR exam model, which has garnered so much prestige.

The competition is already promised maximum among the thousands of people who will present themselves this year at the MIR, and who will compete for one of the thousand places that they should be summoned. Last year the offer was 7,512 seats.

In this way, 185 questions with four different answer options will mark the future of candidates for the specialist health training test. In Medical Writing we propose the following MIR exercise, which consists in correctly answering these questions taken from official exams of previous years. Will you be able to get a seat?

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from healthcare institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. It is recommended that the reader be consulted with any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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