Can smell cure mental illness?


Long ignored by research, smells, especially those of essential oils, could be a very useful tool for many patients with psychological or psychiatric problems.

How do essential oils work?

Smells have this ability to trigger emotions, positive or negative, but also to revive certain memories. The explanation would lie in the brain, because our olfactory center is anatomically very close to that of emotions and memory.

Some studies have also shown an amplification or reduction of some electrical signals in the brain depending on the smells, confirming their influence on what we smell.

A complementary tool, just like hypnotherapy or Chinese medicine

The development of aromatherapy in psychology and psychiatry is not intended to replace drug treatment or psychotherapy, but rather to complement patient care. While some therapists use perfumes during their consultation, both to soothe the patient and to revive a memory, for others it may be a matter of prescribing them in certain specific situations: inhaling some essential oils for at least 5 minutes can soothe them. anxiety attacks, sleep disturbances or phobias for example.

Before getting started, talk to your doctor or psychologist and don’t hesitate to consult an aromatherapy professional.

Source: Herz RS. Aromatherapy Facts and Fictions: A Scientific Analysis of Olfactory Effects on Mood, Physiology, and Behavior. Int J Neurosci. 2009; 119 (2): 263-90. doi: 10.1080 / 00207450802333953. PMID: 19125379.

To find out more: “The guide to olfactory emotions – Balance and well-being thanks to aromatherapy” by Patty Canac, Ambre editions.

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