Can I use an external disc player on Xbox Series S to load games? Jason Ronald answers this question


As we all know, the Xbox Series X and Series S have different media to run our favorite titles, one fully digital and the other with physical and digital formats.

As we have already commented above, the Xbox Series S only accepts digital games, but we wanted to know if there would be the possibility of adding a Blu-Ray player via USB to the console and thus being able to load the games in physical format. That’s why I dared to ask Twitter If this were possible and Jason Ronald solved this question for many people and especially for me.

Can I use an external disc player on Xbox Series S?

If you are an Xbox fan and you are one of the people who will choose to buy the cheapest model of this new generation, surely you would have wondered about the possibility of using an external Blu Ray player to play your favorite titles in this format. Well, the answer is no, as we have to keep in mind that new devices must have a specific combination of hardware and software, so we can’t use any external players to load games.

Xbox Series X / S are now available in stores around the world. If you want to know more about the new Microsoft machines, you will surely be interested to know that the new Star Wars: Squadrons update is now available which includes 120 FPS.

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