Cameroon: fight against AIDS – Chantal Biya is still busy


On the occasion of the commemoration yesterday of the dedicated World Day, the first lady reiterated her personal involvement.

First an SMS was sent to some subscribers of the various mobile phone companies in the early hours of the morning. It is 6:20 precisely, on some phones. This sms was followed a few hours later by a tweet. The message is the same: “33 years of fighting AIDS. My commitment hasn’t changed. »Signed, Chantal Biya, First Lady of Cameroon. UNAIDS special ambassador. The rest will be on other platforms. A one-page message, as founding president of African Synergies, on WhatsApp forums, widely spread by Facebook and other social networks.

“African Synergies Against AIDS and Suffering joins the international community to commemorate the 33rd World AIDS Day. The opportunity for me to show my sincere solidarity with the millions of people infected and affected by the pandemic around the world. For 18 years, African Synergies has been at your side to fight HIV and AIDS ”, the first lady introduced in her speech. Before falling into an appeal for solidarity in the face of this affection. “My experience in the fight against AIDS has taught me that only global solidarity in a spirit of shared responsibility can sustainably reverse the dynamics of the spread of the disease”, he stresses, promising to keep his commitments with the same determination and the same passion.

As if to invite the victims of this scourge not to be discouraged and remain confident in the future, Ms Chantal Biya notes the extraordinary progress made in this area. Greater awareness among young people in particular, availability of care and treatment for many HIV-infected people, mechanisms to combat transmission from mother to child, continuous development of increasingly effective preventive and curative tools … “All these advances strengthen my conviction that the end of AIDS is near. But there is still a long way to go. It is not the time to give up. The challenges are many and no contribution is too much. Everyone has something to do and must be able to do it “, points out the wife of the President of the Republic For her it is together that we must mobilize, if we hope to put an end to AIDS by 2030.

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