Bulk Test Pregnancy Style Test Kits Could Cut Quarantine Time in Half


Mass testing using pregnancy-style kits could cut quarantine time in half
Mass testing using pregnancy-style kits could cut quarantine time in half. image: Twitter

MASS testing using pregnancy-style kits could cut quarantine time for Covid case contacts in half.

A mass test using pregnancy-style kits aims to halve the quarantine time for Covid case contacts and even eliminate it altogether, which could end unnecessary isolation. Mass tests on first responders will be trialled in Liverpool next week and will also be offered to Covid-19 case contacts who isolate themselves for seven days.

It has been suggested that the contact quarantine of Covid-19 cases could be halved or eliminated entirely as part of the mass testing plans. Pregnancy-style test kits, which provide results in minutes, would be used as part of the plans to identify uninfected contacts and release them from two-week quarantine. The mass testing scheme will be trialled next week on ER workers in Liverpool, who will return to shifts if they test negative.

It will also be extended to Covid-19 case contacts in cities that have been isolated for at least seven days. If the trial is successful, it could be rolled out across the UK, though it is not expected to get the green light until next year.

Experts announced that the scheme offers a way to “not paralyze society and the parts of the economy that are important at this critical time.” Boris Johnson is currently self-isolating for two weeks after having an unmasked meeting with an MP who later tested positive for the coronavirus.

There follows growing concerns that Covid-19 case contacts are not following the two-week quarantine requirements, with a poll in September suggesting that just 11% are following the rules.

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