British scientists reveal food materials that could accelerate recovery from “Covid-19”



British scientists have discovered nutrients that can accelerate recovery from

Sputnik Alexey Malgavko

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British scientists have discovered how immune nutrition affects the rehabilitation of people with “Covid-19” disease and on this basis they have put together a list of foods they believe will speed up the recovery process.

According to BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health, researchers Emma Derbyshire and Joan Delange are studying the role of nutrition in boosting immunity. Therefore, they studied and analyzed scientific studies dedicated to nutrients and supplements that help in rehabilitation after “Covid-19”. The two researchers focused their attention on the effects of therapeutic nutrition on the immune system of people over the age of 65.

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As is known, the immune system is made up of four components: T lymphocytes; B lymphocytes; And the system of supplements and phagocytes. All these components protect the body from pathogenic infections and act as a barrier against viruses and bacteria that enter the body.

There is innate immunity and acquired immunity, and with age their capacity decreases, and one of the causes of “immune aging” is a lack of nutrients. Therefore, the elderly must compensate for this deficiency through special immune nutrition. This becomes necessary and important in the rehabilitation phase after serious illnesses such as “Covid-19”.

The researchers say: “There is sufficient evidence that malnutrition and a lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals lead to a decrease in the immune system’s ability to perform its function to the required level. Therefore, fruits, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and probiotics. they help strengthen them and play an important role in resistance to viruses and disease infections. ” .

Based on this, the two scientists suggest that people who have contracted “Covid-19” eat foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc. This is because vitamin C strengthens the epithelium of the respiratory system, which limits the incursion of pathogens and prevents them from reaching the lower parts of the system. This, in the opinion of experts, prevents pneumonia. As for vitamin D, it is a powerful immunoregulator, as it is found on the surface of certain immune cells – B and T lymphocytes, phagocytes and monocytes – vitamin D receptors. So it plays a protective role in all respiratory infections. Zinc is an important element for health and stimulates the functions of the immune system.

Researchers suggest eating the following vitamin C-rich substances, such as broccoli, citrus, and zinc-rich, such as crab, hemp, beans and hard-boiled eggs, as well as vitamin D-rich dietary supplements at 50 micrograms per day.

The results of the study showed that adherence to this diet shortens the rehabilitation period and accelerates full recovery from “Covid-19”.

The researchers point out that these recommendations are for people who do not suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, pulmonary embolism, asthma and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, those suffering from chronic illnesses should consult a doctor before committing.

Source: Novosti

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