British jungle camp: police are investigating cockroaches – TV


Yes, caramba, the cockroaches are on the loose!

Great excitement for the British jungle camp! Due to Corona, the TV format will not be filmed in Australia this year, but in the gruesome Gwrych Castle in Wales. The show is currently in full swing, but police are now investigating the production of allegedly illegal animals.

Even in Wales, jungle camp celebrities have to endure tough challenges and are literally littered with beetles, worms and worms. As the flora and fauna of Wales cannot produce these species, they were brought with them from production.

New location for the British jungle camp: Gwrych Castle in Wales is a listed building and was built in the 19th century

New location for the British jungle camp: Gwrych Castle in Wales is a listed building, built in the 19th centuryPhoto: Getty Images

Welsh nature expert and presenter Iolo Williams (58) sees this as a threat to the British ecosystem and has begun the investigation with his objections. “I don’t know what species they’re releasing, but I can tell you it’s not indigenous. We don’t have these cockroaches in Britain, and certainly not in Wales, “Williams said.”Guardian“.

He thinks it’s pure “madness” to let thousands of these animals romp on the camp participants, as it is nearly impossible to collect them all again.

Executive broadcaster ITV, on the other hand, says the production has the animals under control: “All of our insects stay in the film area … We have a grid system through which the beetles fall after filming. ” All the animals would be taken again and moreover, were the beetles used are not invasive species, i.e. they are not intruders.

Welsh nature expert and presenter Iolo Williams has raised concerns about alien cockroaches to authorities

Welsh nature expert and presenter Iolo Williams has raised concerns about alien cockroaches to authoritiesPhoto: Mauritius images / Greenwales / Alamy

This is not a topic for naturalist director Iolo Williams, because even non-invasive species can cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem.

In any case, the animals are not illegal: ITV assures that they were all purchased in Great Britain, where they were raised for animal feed.

If one escapes to the jungle camp, he has certainly made the most of his second chance …


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