Brigitte Pastrama has made peace with her son. How much did “reconciliation” cost you?


In June of this year, Brigitte Pastramă and her son, Robert Sfăt, were embroiled in a monstrous scandal. He accused him of taking drugs and also turned him over to the police, and his son scolded him for cutting his inheritance because of him after his father died. It is a house in Dumbrăviţa, Timişoara, where it also appears in documents, as the owner. Furthermore, the brunette reported her son to the police, citing the reason that he had attacked her, that he had vandalized her house with some friends and that he had stolen her car.

Now all this seems like a thing of the past, because the brunette’s relationship with her son has improved significantly. However, Brigitte has invested heavily in Robert’s future, because she took her son’s two-room apartment, a studio that the young man will turn into a music studio, but also an expensive car, writes “God help! This time has come! God, thank you for waking up and going to bed, for giving me the day to see that my son doesn’t spend his money on nonsense and takes an apartment. I’m the happiest mother on the planet! “, Said Brigitte Pastramă, in the show” Brigitte and Pastramă “.

Read also:

Brigitte, in hospital after the scandal with her son. He spoke of the terror in the house: “While one spit on me, another pushed me.”

VIDEO Brigitte’s son, on domestic violence: «He also gave Pastrama a lid. I got along better with Elijah than with her “

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