According to the information shared, Brazil has become the country where the iPhone 12 was the most expensive among the countries where the price for the iPhone 12 family was announced. Argentina, on the other hand, has not yet announced the price list for countries like Turkey, forcing to the top.
Apple, iPhone 12 ve iPhone 12 Pro the models had already been launched last month. With iPhone 12 Pro Max, the largest Apple smartphone ever “The smallest iPhone with a notched screen” iPhone 12 mini, on the other hand, was open for pre-order starting last Friday.
So far Apple has only offered these smartphones in select markets, but things will soon change. Apple iPhone 2020 model It will be available in more countries starting November 20 explained. Additionally, the device will be available for pre-order one week prior to this date.
IPhone prices in Brazil nearly double the US prices
According to the information transmitted by the Brazilian site Tecnoblog BrazilAmong all the countries where the price of iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max is announced, these devices are the most expensive countries.
According to shared information, the US price is announced at $ 729. “Cheaper iPhone 2020 model” The price of the iPhone 12 mini 64GB in Brazil is $ 1,268. Also, the price in the US is $ 1,399. “The 2020 model is the most expensive iPhone” The price of the 512GB iPhone 12 Pro Max in Brazil $ 2,535 level.
Price of the iPhone 12 mini (64GB) in some countries:
- Brazil – $ 1,268 (the most expensive)
- Italy – $ 996
- Portugal – $ 984
- Mexico – $ 967
- France – $ 961
- India – $ 944
- Japan – $ 795
- Hong Kong – $ 774
- USA – $ 729 (the cheapest)
Price of iPhone 12 Pro Max (512GB) in some countries:
- Brazil – $ 2,535 (most expensive)
- Italy – $ 2,159
- Portugal – $ 1,946
- Mexico – $ 1,934
- France – $ 1,911
- India – $ 1,851
- Japan – $ 1,602
- Hong Kong – $ 1,523
- USA – $ 1,399 (cheapest)
The maximum demand of the iPhone 12 Pro is higher than that of the iPhone 12 Mini
Although Brazil is currently the country with the highest price of the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max, the estimates are Argentina that prices will change with the announcement. Even Apple for these two iPhones Turkey takes care of the description Turkey should also be at the top of the list.
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