Bordeaux University Hospital at the forefront of innovation


Regularly distinguished in independent rankings, and in particular the latest ranking of the newspaper Le Point, of which it holds the first place, the University Hospital of Bordeaux is a center of excellence that continues to innovate to keep up, especially in the face of the virus . Interview with its director, Yann Bubien.

CHU Bordeaux innovation

© University Hospital of Bordeaux

Yann Bubien director of the University Hospital of Bordeaux

Yann Bubien Director of the University Hospital of Bordeaux © FredEncuentra_BarbotStudio

Echos Judiciaires Girondins: for the fourth time in 5 years, the University Hospital of Bordeaux is first in the ranking of hospitals of Point. What do you think explains this level of excellence?

Yann Bubien: “We are very proud of this record. We find many specialties of our services in the first three places of the ranking of Point, which has been going on for about twenty years and of which, it must be said, the methodology is very solid. It is truly moving. In my opinion, there are several reasons for this: First, we have a file excellent medical school in Bordeaux which has always been renowned for its quality. This allows us to have top-level medical teams (doctors but also paramedics) : we see it every day, even without classification. Second, it is a file Great CHU, where 14,200 people work. But it remains a human-sized CHU, where everyone can talk to each other. Third point, there is a file very favorable ecosystem within the CHU, with a good general understanding between the actors, which allows us to innovate, progress, dialogue with each other and work together. There is technique and tools, of course, but as we know today, what matters above all in medicine is the human aspect: it is the teams and their ability to work together. “

I want to develop start-ups, living labs, suggestion boxes for all CHU health workers

EJG: Innovation is a driving force for CHU, where it is present in particular thanks to the interns, who develop projects within the CHU and can exploit its infrastructure …

YB : “We have young doctors who meet at the Bordeaux University Hospital to develop applications, innovative projects, etc. There is in particular Clément Goehrs, who created Synapse Medicine (a virtual assistant dedicated to the good use of drugs, ed), or Nicolas Pagès, with Satelia (remote medical monitoring application, ed.) I know them very well, I see them regularly, I can only encourage them.

I also want this type of action to be developed even more, which is why I create an innovation circle this month at the University Hospital of Bordeaux (see EJG n ° 6766-6767 of 11/13/20), a kind of think transdisciplinary tank on innovation, to which I will invite these young doctors, but also all those who want to participate, who want to share ideas and develop innovative projects. The invitations have been issued and I am very happy because my topic is to develop start-ups, living labs and suggestion boxes for all healthcare professionals at Bordeaux University Hospital. “

CHU Bordeaux © CHU Bordeaux

CHU Bordeaux © CHU Bordeaux

EJG: The CHU is also very advanced in terms of equipment. You specifically inaugurated a robotic operating room last September …

JB: “We have just opened a beautiful hybrid surgery room for our Haut-Lévêque cardiac center, which combines state-of-the-art imaging and a state-of-the-art operating room. The principle is to use faster, more reliable, less traumatic and less invasive techniques in cardiology, thanks to multidisciplinary teams (cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, reprography, operating room nurse, anesthetist, etc.). The goal is to perform cardiac procedures without opening the chest. For example, we can change heart valves in percutaneous mode, thanks to continuous imaging during the operation. It is impressive and above all it is very useful, because it allows patients to stay in the hospital for a much shorter time, and it is much less painful for everyone. There should therefore be a series of similar openings in the CHU in the coming months. “

The doctors multiplied the number of teleconsultations by ten

CHU Bordeaux © CHU Bordeaux

CHU Bordeaux © CHU Bordeaux

EJG: Innovation was one of the answers of the CHU to tackle the Covid-19 epidemic?

YB: “We have done many things and we can say that the health crisis has accelerated innovation. First of all, we have developed a system, the “Guardian Angel – Rafael” application, which allows you to monitor patients with Covid at home, with medical students who call them back. We already had the Guardian Angel platform, intended for monitoring chronically ill patients, and for which we had received an award from the magazine. Public actors. We were able to transform it very quickly to create the “Rafael” branch for Covid patients.

Another novelty: “Kanopée”, a virtual companion created by a psychiatrist from the University Hospital, Prof. Pierre Philip, which allows patients to be monitored at home on sleep problems, addiction or stress related to confinement. It is a success.

The University Hospital of Bordeaux is involved in about fifty research programs on Covid

We have also set up SimforHealth training, which consists of training interns in managing Covid patients by simulation, a technique I strongly believe in. It allows doctors to learn live to answer a patient or colleague’s questions on the topic. SimforHealth was also awarded by The gallery for this training.

Finally, since it is a university hospital, the Bordeaux University Hospital is involved in about fifty research programs on Covid, of which 8 of which we are promoters, that is to say that we lead research. “

EJG: The CHU did it too evidence of innovation in terms of organization …

JB: “At times we got the impression that it was very difficult, but we adapted very quickly. We saw that we could be very innovative and work differently. Doctors, for example, multiplied the number of teleconsultations by ten, both by telephone and video. We also did a lot of remote monitoring. Even the authorities, the establishment medical commissions, the meetings with many other structures take place via videoconference. A few months ago, or even last year, it would have seemed very difficult, if not nearly impossible. But knowing how to react in emergency situations is a bit in the DNA of hospitals. I am also very present on social networks. We see it even more with Covid, the CHU has a very important communication duty, and today social networks are the most used by the population. We have to use the tools of our time. “

EJG: What are your next projects for the CHU?

JB : “We have many projects under development. We can mention in particular the opening, scheduled for summer 2021, of the Pellegrin pediatric hospital: a state-of-the-art building, with brand new emergency rooms and operating rooms.

When I took over the management of Bordeaux University Hospital a year ago, I wanted to launch an important renewal and innovation plan. I would like us to invest heavily in innovative products, devices and equipment and renew the entire CHU. It takes time, because it is very big. But I have the will to launch many programs, especially robotization in the operating room, hybrid rooms, so that our medical-nursing teams have the best equipment and that Bordeaux University Hospital is truly at the forefront of innovation.


From 1is October 2019: Director of the University Hospital of Bordeaux

2017-2019: Deputy Chief of Staff of Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Health

2011-2017: General Director of Angers University Hospital

2009-2011: Deputy Chief of Staff of Roselyne Bachelot, later Xavier Bertrand

2009: Advisor to the French Ambassador to the United Kingdom

2007-2009: Advisor to the Ministry of Health and Sport

2005-2007: General Secretary of the South Ile-de-France Hospital (Évry-Corbeil)

2000-2005: Chief of Staff at the Fédération hospitalière de France, graduated from the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health (EHESP), a master’s degree in ethics, Sciences-Po Bordeaux and a master’s degree in law (University of Bordeaux)

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